Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

”Positions and people might change but ZANU PF remains”- Chirau

2 min read

”After primary elections we need to stand with the one elected for the Party to win”

Patriots Reporter

”Primary elections represents our democratic process of choosing Party representatives and after primary elections we need to stand with the one elected candidate for the Party to win” Youth League Acting Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Cde Tendai Chirau said yesterday in Guruve, Mashonaland Central where he was drumming up support for ZANU PF Candidate.

Cde Chriswell Virimayi Chipuriro is representing ZANU PF in the coming by-elections on 26 March following the death of Councillor Forbes Kamambo.

Cde Chirau said production & productivity were key to economic growth as President ED Mnangagwa declared that 2022 is the Year of Production & Economic Growth
The Youth League leader went on to donate over 1200 Horticultural Seeds and Fertilizers to the community in support of the President’s call for production.

Cde Chirau promised to make a follow up on EmpowerBank loan applications but encourages the youths to repay the loans so that the program launched by H. E. President ED Mnangagwa for the support of youth businesses succeeds.
EmpowerBank CEO Mr Shadreck Mhembere confirmed receipt of $300 Million of the $500 Million promised by President Mnangagwa during the National Youth Day Celebration

Cde Chirau pledged to assist the Provincial Executive on the steps for prospecting for mining claims in line with the NDS1 which promotes formalization of production activities

Cde Chirau donated a Netball kit and 2 Soccer Kits as well as Party Regalia to the Guruve Community. He tasked the District Youth Chairmen to recruit new members including from the opposition parties whose policies and programmes have failed dismally
He went on to encourage the DCC Secretaries for Youth Affairs to coordinate for the Districts and mobilise using a scientific approach
Cde Chirau applauded the Mashonaland Central Province for always standing with the Party and President ED Mnangagwa and encouraged the leadership to ensure that they mobilise more members to join the party, register and vote for the Party to achieve the 5 Million Votes target in 2023

Cde Rwodzi, ZANU PF Youth League National Secretary for Health & Child Care, gave vote of thanks and concluded by handing over the 2 goats to Cde Chirau as a token of appreciation sourced by the ZANU PF Youth League Mashonaland Central Provincial Executive

The meeting was attended by thousands of party supporters and ZANU PF Youth League National Secretary for Health & Child Care Cde. Paul Rwodzi, ZANU PF Youth League Mashonaland Central Vice Chairman Cde Anna Mabhande, Members of the Provincial Executive, DCC Secretaries for Youth Affairs across the Province, District Executive Members, Affiliates to the ZANU PF Youth League, Members of Parliament and Councillors

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