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Zimbabwe’s Transitional Stabilisation Programme: One of the Steps Towards Vision 2030

By Tinashe Mukori

The peaceful, free, and credible election held on July 30, 2018, marked the beginning of Zimbabwe’s Second Republic, led by President ED Mnangagwa. This electoral milestone paved the way for the formation of a new government, with the immediate task of fulfilling the promises and commitments made during the campaign period.

The government swiftly, and with unflinching determination, embarked on implementing national development policies and programmes aimed at transforming the economy to achieve Vision 2030, align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and contribute to the African Union’s Agenda 2063. These initiatives reflected the collective aspirations of Zimbabweans for a Prosperous and Empowered Upper Middle-Income Society by 2030.

President ED Mnangagwa set the tone for the new administration by categorically stating that the focus was to be “more of economics and less of politics”.

The Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP)

The Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP), covering October 2018 to December 2020, was introduced as a blueprint for economic reform. Its core priorities included fiscal consolidation, economic stabilisation, employment creation, and economic growth stimulation.

The programme emphasized prudent fiscal and complementary monetary policies as key drivers for restoring investor confidence, which had been eroded over the past two decades. By stabilising the macroeconomic environment, Zimbabwe sought to create conditions conducive to increased business activity and foreign direct investment.

The TSP detailed policies, strategies, and projects designed to guide social and economic development up to December 2020. It aimed to achieve both immediate, tangible results while laying a strong foundation for long-term growth spanning 2021 to 2030 under NDS-1 and 2.

Private Sector-Led Growth and Economic Diversification

The programme envisioned a private sector-led economic recovery, with the government playing a facilitative role in creating a supportive macroeconomic and business environment. A key focus was on value addition and beneficiation, which would enhance the value of exports and reduce Zimbabwe’s vulnerability to fluctuations in international commodity prices, often associated with over-reliance on raw material exports.

The success of the programme was not solely dependent on government efforts but required a coordinated, multi-stakeholder approach. Addressing economic fragility, unemployment, inequality, and poverty demanded collaboration between the government, private sector, academia, faith-based organisations, civil society, and the media.

Inclusivity and Social Development

Recognising the importance of inclusive development, the TSP prioritised the empowerment of women and youth while addressing the welfare of historically marginalised groups, including persons with disabilities, with President Mnangagwa championing the “leaving no-one and no-place behind” policy.

Additionally, Zimbabweans in the diaspora were encouraged to play a more active role beyond remittances and philanthropy, with a focus on skills transfer and investment in domestic economic opportunities. The participation of international cooperating partners was also deemed crucial, particularly in Zimbabwe’s re-engagement efforts with the global financial community, and advancing the Zimbabwe is Open for Business policy.

Commitment to Reform and Accountability

The government pledged to provide the political will necessary for the full implementation of the TSP, acknowledging that the process would require sacrifices and short-term economic pain for long-term prosperity. Transparency and accountability were highlighted as fundamental pillars in achieving economic transformation and the goals of Vision 2030.

The Transitional Stabilisation Programme was commended to the people of Zimbabwe by President Mnangagwa with a strong call for all stakeholders to support its full implementation. The success of the programme depended on a unified national effort, aimed at steering Zimbabwe towards sustained economic growth and development.

TSP outlined seven key reform areas aimed at boosting domestic production, increasing exports and transforming the economy into an upper- middle-income society by 2030. These principal reform areas were economic reforms, institutional reforms, productive sector reforms, services sector reforms, public infrastructure investment reforms, human development and social services reforms, and governance and political reforms.

In our next installment, we retrospectively look at the milestones achieved under each key reform areas as we strive to recapture the success stories of the Second Republic under the astute and visionary leadership of President ED Mnangagwa towards Vision 2030, which has been aptly described by ZANU PF PATRIOTS ECONOMIC DESK® in Shona vernecular language as and I qoute:

“Chinonzi Vision 2030 chii?

Zvazvinoreva: – Vision 2030 ishuviro yeHurumende yeZimbabwe yakatangwa nemutungamiriri wenyika VaMnangagwa yekuti hupfumi hwenyika husvike pakuti zvizvarwa zvose zvikwanise kuve neraramo yepamusoro pane nyika dzinoverengwa sedzine hupfumi hunonzi huri pakati nepakati.

Bhangaguru repasi rose rinoti munhu ari munyika dzepamusoro panyika dzehupfumi hwepakati nepakati anofanirwa kuwana mari inoita USD4500 kusvika paUSD13850″.

This clear elucidation captures the categorical difference from the ‘2030 – VaMnangagwa Vanenge Vachipo’ mantra which is a political thrust to have the Presidential Term extended by two years ending in the year 2030 in recognition of his exceptional performance and notable achievements, with the nexus between the two being the need to provide the President with additional time to see his Vision 2030 to fruition.

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