Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

The Returnees Commitment to ZANU PF

5 min read

By Margaret Kamba

There is always a doubt planted in people’s minds when someone repents from their sins. Even in the Christian circles, people are eager to see if truly the born again man or woman will leave their former lie and exhibit a new behaviour supposedly inspired by Jesus Christ.

Unbeknownst to those wondering is that when one has come to be convicted, there is a touch beyond himself or herself. Half the time the repentant man or woman must work extra hard to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed, they are a new creation.

The confessions I have heard from the men and women that have crossed the floor to join ZANU PF over the past few days, are something that have touched my heart.

The things that the men and women have shared about their former political master and what joy they have found in the new realm are amazing.

For a man like the late Cde Siyani Sibanda to sacrifice his life to go publicly declare his love for ZANU PF and suffer the consequences thereof is beyond imagination.

To some it may seem foolhardy but to him, he was perhaps eager to share the goodness of this revolutionary Party and help his former colleagues open their eyes to that reality as well.

For Bokani Nyathi, since serving the opposition political party MDC now CCC in 2004 “I had never seen the party President Morgan Tsvangirai let alone receive any money from them. But since joining ZANU PF I have seen President E.D Mnangagwa face to face, booked into a five star hotel and eaten with a fork and knife. ZANU PF is indeed a good Party.”

It was the same for Job Mangwalala who expressed his pleasure at the fact that the journey to Harare to the KHE launch had been an eye opener to how ZANU PF looks after its people.

Japhet Moyo and Jaquiline Ncube also expressed satisfaction at ZANU PF’s open arms approach and vowed to “work together with the Party to bring those left behind.”

In its Communique to the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde E.D Mnangagwa at the launch of the Huyayi Kumusha/Come Home/Buyanini Ekhaya KHE programme, the men and women wrote that they:

Recalled that since late 2020, many senior members from the opposition, heard and heed the call ‘for collective efforts to rebuild the country, regardless of the pasts’, and voluntarily transposition from their parties with a clear intent to join the ruling party ZANU PF and that in nearly all cases, they were received and welcomed into the revolutionary party ZANU PF at the highest levels of party leadership;

Recognized that thereafter, a series of consultations were held to find the best possible way to integrate the new members into the party and its programmes: thus culmination of birth of KHE:

Reaffirmed the desire by the senior Returnees to play a role in not only bringing into ZANU PF their former colleagues who are desirous to join the party but equally, to play a significant role in conducting further activities to recruit more people into the Party in support of the developmental thrust by the new dispensation of the second republic of Zimbabwe;

Acknowledged that the opposition no longer represents a significant political view, given the achievements of the New Dispensation and the desire to unite the people for national Good,

Cognisant that the formation of opposition particularly the ‘labour and CSO’ backed Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 1999, and its successors, CCC and others, were on the basis of grievances regarding policies and governance approach during the later days of the first republic

Aware that the new dispensation of the second republic introduced positive paradigm shift in policies and governance, favourable to addressing the demands that led to formation of the said opposition parties, and for their other unfortunate acts like calling for punitive sanctions against the country.

Recalled the magnanimity and commitments made by His Excellence, the President of the second republic to leave no one behind in taking Zimbabwe forward collectively; peacefully; and developmentally forwardness.
Applauded the new dispensation call for creation of a loving Zimbabwean family capable of living harmoniously without ‘tribal; racial; regional; ethnical connotations

Moved by the magnanimity; maturity; Torrance; and composure of the new dispensation leadership

Inspired by the unprecedented achievements, in unprecedented short period of time, by the new dispensation in areas, and efforts towards achieving good ‘governance: political, social, and economical peace and harmony: and progressive development in energy infrastructure; water infrastructure; roads infrastructure; air transport infrastructure; industrial resuscitation; mining infrastructure and many others, in sharp contrast with the past

Observed absence of rationality in Opposition continuing to oppose for the ‘sake of opposing’, in lieu of collectively supporting the positive efforts for the good of the country, current and future generation.

Condemned those fronted for indirect destabilization of the country’ through foreign sponsored regime change attempts

Discouraged by opposition lack of leadership maturity, lack of clear ideology; lack of focussed agenda, ‘foreign controlled, and emperor styled leadership.
Abhorred the opposition’s mind-set of ‘see no good out of unprecedented achievements, as long as ‘theirs does not become the President’ of the nation everything should be confrontational
Encouraged by His Excellency, the President, Cde E.D. Mnangagwa’s demonstrated mature leadership; magnanimity; and the ‘let sleeping dog sly’ regarding past differences approach for posterity good.
Advised for the rationale where opposition should be based on the fundamental principles of advancing ‘democratic values’ and where the opposing parties should conduct their businesses responsibly, putting the nation first.

Acknowledged the strategic value of KHE programme to promote party membership growth and support base, through ‘Educating: Recruiting: Reengaging: Reconciling: and Conscientize’ of patriotic Zimbabweans who unwittingly continue to be influenced to oppose an opportune environment, for collective contribution towards sustainable national peace, national development, as ushered in by the New Dispensation, of the second Republic of Zimbabwe:

Reiterated the importance of a systematic approach for the full integration of the Returnees and the need to harness their full potential in membership recruitment and growth for the strengthening of the party in preparation of the tasks ahead;

We, the Representative Delegates of the KHE Launch Meeting, Therefore:
Commit to unequivocally declare our ‘individual, and collective’ ZANU PF membership, and abidance with party constitution; party values; discipline; loyalty; and respect
Commit to adopt and strengthen the KHE programme to ‘educate; recruit; and mobilize’ former colleagues as well as first time voters, resonating with the revolutionary party’s ‘no one should be left behind’ mantra
Commit to offer the best of our acquired different and various experiences, and technical skills for the good of the party, and country, and to serve posterity
Commit to actively participate towards the achievement of Five Million people who are registered, and to vote for President E.D. Mnangagwa, and party at the next harmonised general election this year of our Lord, 2023

Call upon all peace and development loving Zimbabweans to rally in full support of the new dispensation’s National Developmental policies that are open testimony to developmental achievement.
Call for the unconditional removal of punitive sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe

We convey our sincere appreciation and gratitude: to His Excellency, the President, Dr E.D. Mnangagwa: as well as to the department of the Commissariat, and the entirety of the Party: for the successful organization and hosting of the KHE Launch.”

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