Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

ZANU PF reinforces mobilisation efforts

1 min read

By Staff Writer

The ruling ZANU PF Party’s Secretary for Administration Cde Obert Mpofu has challenged all comrades to support all efforts being done to mobilize votes ahead of the 2023 Harmonized Elections.

The Commissariat Department has over the past months been holding numerous programmes to ensure the target of five million votes by 2023 is achieved. Key among them have been workshops and meetings with various affiliates to ensure all pull in one direction.

Speaking during the Policy and Coordination meeting this Monday, Cde Mpofu said a lot of preparatory work has been done and must be supported.

“I am aware that a lot of preparatory work into the myriad of activities to unfold has been exerted in this regard and we should all support their endeavours,” Cde Mpofu said.

“Let me hasten to also indicate that, the bulk of our duties going forward should be on the ground and not in the offices so that we solidly reinforce and consolidate our mobilization efforts.”

Cde Mpofu lamented the COVID-19 resurgence which he said may derail the campaign strategy.

“The potential of this risk derailing our campaign strategy should be closely monitored as mass gatherings may be the first to be regulated by health authorities. We therefore going forward have to revert to a standing agenda point on COVID-19 and encourage our constituencies to vaccinate.”

Nine people have so far died from the new COVID-19 variant with infections recorded reaching 123.

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