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Visit consolidates bilateral relations: President Mnangagwa

2 min read

By Margaret Kamba

The President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde E.D Mnangagwa says the visit by his counterpart from Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko demonstrates warm relations between the two countries.

Speaking at The State House this morning during a Bilateral Relations Signing ceremony, President Mnangagwa said the twin countries are victims of sanctions by the United States of America.

“Iam happy that this visit demonstrates the warm relations which exist between Harare and Minsk. This visit strengthens, deepens and consolidates our bilateral relations. As a result of this, we have agreed to open embassies in each other’s capitals,” President Mnangagwa said.

“The two countries are victims of sanctions from the US, so from that point of view, we are twin sanctions victims.”

President Mnangagwa added that Belarus has a very developed agricultural sector which is why one of the Bilateral Agreements signed is in agriculture.

“Belarus has a very developed agricultural sector and Zimbabwe as you can see, we have signed protocols and Agreements relating to the mechanisation, modernization and industrialisation of our agricultural sector. We have already begun benefitting from the mechanisation but we now wish to extend it to other sectors such as mining and tourism.”

Agreements signed today include Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the framework of supplies to the Republic of Zimbabwe of machines and equipment produced in Belarus for the timber industry, Contract between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and “Aftrade DMCC” for the supply of equipment manufactured in Belarus for the construction and modernization of grain storage complexes, Twinning Agreement between the City of Harare and the city of Minsk, Agreement Between The Republic Of Zimbabwe and The Republic Of Belarus on The Establishment Of A Joint Permanent Commission, Agreement Between The Republic Of Zimbabwe And The Republic Of Belarus On The Promotion And Reciprocal Protection Of Investments, Memorandum Of Understanding Between The Republic Of Zimbabwe And The Republic Of Belarus concerning Mutual Recognition Of Educational Qualifications, Agreement Between The Republic Of Zimbabwe And The Republic Of Belarus For The Avoidance Of Double Taxation And The Prevention Of Fiscal Evasion With Respect To Taxes On Income And On Property.

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