Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

By Margaret Kamba

FRELIMO’s delegate to the inaugural War Veterans League Conference Cde David Chabooka says being part of the Conference is proof of the soil ties between the two countries.

Many are aware of how the late revolutionary leader Samora Machel played a key role in ensuring his neighbouring country Zimbabwe attained her freedom.

Speaking while at the ZANU PF Headquarters today, Cde Chabooka noted that many comrades from both countries Mozambique and Zimbabwe were killed in the quest to have this country’s independence.

“It is very important for FRELIMO and especially for us the Veterans of the war to participate in this conference because our relations were forged during the armed struggle. We have been together in Nachinguea and Tanzania and after independence. We have been with the freedom fighters of Zimbabwe in Tete Province and other places in Mozambique,” Cde Chabooka said.

“We still remember that we suffered together the minority regime of Ian Smith used to attack the Mozambican and Zimbabwe bases in Mozambique. You remember Mapai. You remember so many places where the population of Zimbabwe and Mozambique were massacred by that regime.

“So this forged our relationship so we are here to say that we stand by ZANU PF. We are here because we want to continue being together, FRELIMO and ZANU PF.”

Cde Chabooka added that the two revolutionary parties have always been in touch wherever they are as their “relations are of solidarity, friendship, brotherhood and comradely. What ZANU PF stands for is what FRELIMO does. We are one, who can surge us?”

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