Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

By Margaret Kamba

The Operation Huyayi Kumusha/Come Home/Buyanini Ekhaya (KHE) in their Heroes and Defence Forces day message say the vision for Zimbabwe was made a reality by the sacrifices of the living and departed heroes and heroines of the country.

In an interview Cde Blessing Chebundo
KHE National Coordinator said the organisation is committed to advancing the development path of Zimbabwe.

“We take cognisance of the significant role our freedom fighters played to liberate the country from the evil minority rule. We also cherish the role being played by the gallant defence forces in protecting our independence,” Cde Chebundo said.

“The KHE acknowledges the role played by the Zimbabwe Revolutionary War Fighters of the Second Chimurenga and those who died whilst fighting the colonial enemy and those that are still alive, they will forever be the custodians of the Zimbabwean revolution and the bedrock upon which the Zimbabwe Liberation party, ZANU PF will continue building itself from.

“National Heroes Day provide us with a chance to reflect on and acknowledge the work and sacrifices of our pioneers, great leaders , Heroes and Heroines who have built our beloved country and set the foundation for a new political social order.

“As we commemorate Heroes and Defence Forces Day, we continue to be cognisant that the emergence of the Second Republic marked the beginning of a New Era and the emergence of new opportunities for all in our new socio-economic and political environment created by the New Dispensation.

“We call upon all Peace, and Developmental minded Zimbabweans to support the positive rapid changes in our policy thrust and governance culture social and political cohesion and tolerance, that the New Dispensation, as supported by our gallant fighters, has ably demonstrated efforts.

He added that the “KHE will continue to advocate for appreciation of the need by all Zimbabweans to put unnecessary past political differences aside and to rally our collective support to the new efforts. We are desirous to see people burying past political hatchets for stability, social and economic development in the Second Republic, and for the sake of current and future generations.”

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