Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


3 min read

By Margaret Kamba

The selfless sacrifice made by the gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe allowed for total control of our own resources, says the Affirmative Action Group AAG.

AAG’s leader, Former Minister Hon. Anastancia Ndhlovu said the heroes and heroines played a major role in the attainment of the political independence we enjoy today.

“The major reason the heroes and heroines went to war was not only for the one man, one woman vote, but more importantly to allow us to take total control of our land and the resources that are above and beneath the soil. So for this 42nd anniversary, we pay tribute to the gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe because we have access to our resources and are able to do business freely as we support the President His Excellency Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030.

“The AAG does not take for granted the independence we enjoy today as it did not come on a silver platter and this Heroes Day must be celebrated by all patriotic and progressive Zimbabweans.”

Hon. Ndhlovu noted that it was previously a headache for the black Zimbabweans to own and run businesses in the country hence the need to collectively take stock of the milestones made in involving locals in business.

“You will recall that before the establishment of the AAG, it was structurally difficult if not impossible for black Zimbabweans to get into business. Through the Ruling ZANU PF Party and its Government’s policies on economic empowerment, today we witness a big appetite for entrepreneurship which is evident of our Leader the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde Dr. E.D Mnangagwa’s positive impact in inspiring and carrying everyone along towards the inevitable realization of an upper middle income society by 2030.

“This year’s commemoration of the Heroes Day is unique as it comes at a time when the President Dr. E.D Mnangagwa has put the economic revival agenda of our country on a positive trajectory towards Vision 2030 through the NDS1 whose thrust is Nyika Inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo seeking to leave noone and no place behind. It is noone, but ourselves who can build the Zimbabwe we want. I am a strong proponent of” people to people or citizen diplomacy” where every Zimbabwean should be an Ambassador of our great country at home and abroad and complement government efforts in nation building. I am positive that if we all play our part we can help our Government achieve an upper middle income society even earlier than 2030.”

Hon. Ndhlovu added that the “AAG therefore joins His Excellency the President Dr. E.D Mnangagwa and the nation at large in saluting our heroes, both living and departed and we applaud the Second Republic for the tremendous progress made in a very short space of time in massive infrastructure development, innovation and technology, Smart cities, tourism, public transportation system, health particularly the Covid-19 measures and vaccination, energy, aviation and the Zimbabwe ls Open for Business mantra which continues to gain traction with multi billion US dollar investment deals having been signed across various sectors of the economy. Congratulations Zimbabwe. Pamberi nemagamba edu. Phambili lamaqhawe ethu.”

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