Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


3 min read

By Margaret Kamba

Delegates to the virtual meeting between ZANU PF and the People’s Republic of China’s Communist Party of China CPC say a shared future is their common goal.

The two Parties have come together in a two day seminar aimed at strengthening relations and sharing experiences for the good of their people.

Running under the theme “Experience of the CPC and ZANU PF in Exploring Independent Development Path” delegates expressed their commitment to seizing available opportunities for transformation.

Lectures from the Chinese Professors shared how the Chinese government employed a top to bottom approach in alleviating poverty.

Speaking during the Seminar Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa appealed to the Chinese government to give mobilise public and private capital towards Zimbabwe.

“We appeal to China to show more interest to Zimbabwe and come and help us as we build a new electric industry. Our President Cde E.D Mnangagwa is attacking poverty through a bottom top approach as seen through road construction so that the rural people can become part id nation development,” Ambassador Mutsvangwa said.

“With the turbulent Ukraine war, there’s an urgency to make sure we speed up and fill the gap of the steel industry. We are endowed with chrome, iron ore deposits and coking coal. We have rectified the limitations from the former regime for the development of the steel and cement industries.”

Ambassador Mutsvangwa added that with railway links and power generation there was an envisaged boom to infrastructure development.

“Zimbabwe is at the heart of the regional road network and we are a legendary gold producer with 60 000 small to medium gold producers. A few days ago we launched the gold coin called Mosi-a-Tunya as a way of anchoring our currency from the US Dollar and a major revival of our economy. We appeal to China to show more interest and open banks in Zimbabwe just as previously done when ICBC bought Standard Chartered. We want a similar situation in Zimbabwe. We have rich soils and we need capital for agriculture so we can look beyond tobacco, cotton and coffee.”

He added that Zimbabwe has world class minerals and urged the Chinese government to encourage its companies to join the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange.

Secretary for External Relations Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegwi noted that since relations between the two dates back a long time ago, it is imperative that “the basis of the seminar which is common prosperity and a shared future be a joint exercise. We appreciate China for never hesitating to share with us your experience of revolution which has been revolutionarizing for us pre-industrial countries.”

Deputy Secretary for Security Cde Tendai Chirau noted that amongst other key priorities under the leadership of the New Dispensation, “President E.D Mnangagwa has ensured that the introduction of Innovation Hubs brings about employment creation. We thank the Chinese government for the COVID-19 intervention which is key in providing a healthy population.”

Deputy Director General Zhou Guohui, Bureau of African Affairs of the IDCPC said the “solution lies in development. For the people and by the people so that they enjoy the development. There is need to manage domestic affairs very well and build a more reasonable governance system for common prosperity and a shared future. Working together is the only way out.”

Yuan Wei noted that strategies such as “relocating poor people from inhospitable places, creating more job opportunities, improving social governance and providing social security ensured pursuing common prosperity.”

Concerns raised by delegates included the increase of the digital gap, the need to coordinate COVID-19 response and the increased shifting of responsibilities.

ZANU PF delegates also included Women’s League National Executive Committee members Cde Musa Ncube and Cde Betty Nhambu-Kaseke and various Party Directors.

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