Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


3 min read

By Margaret Kamba

ZANU PF and the Communist Party of China have vowed to deepen their relations in order to ensure the development of their countries.

Speaking during the opening session of a two day Seminar held virtually at the Party Headquarters, Head of Delegation ZANU PF Secretary for Health Dr David Parirenyatwa said the Party is taking advantage of the relations between Zimbabwe and the People’s Republic of China PRC to move the country forward.

He aided that the historical relations between the PRC and Africa including Zimbabwe have ensured that they learn from the experience of China which fought a similar war.

“The era of struggle against colonialism in Africa renewed our relationship once more as our liberation movements in Southern Africa drew lessons from the Chinese experience whi fought a similar war of liberation against the Japanese and Kuomintang,” Cde Parirenyatwa said.

“In Zimbabwe, ZANU PF is also exploring an independent development path based on our unique historical, cultural and social experience. We base this on our firm belief that we are the masters of our own destiny. ZANU PF President and First Secretary Cde E.D Mnangagwa’s mantra, “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo” which means that Zimbabwe will be built by Zimbabweans is a statement that promotes spirit of self-reliance and hard work.

“This has resonated well across the whole Zimbabwe society. This statement emphasizes our resolve to pursue an independent development path relying on our human and natural resources without bending to the will of those who seek to dictate terms to us.”

Also speaking during the Seminar, Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa the Chinese approach of development is something that Zimbabwe is learning from.

He said Zimbabwe is encouraged by the progress that you have made in the last 30 years to become the second largest economy in the world. For over 5000 years most of human progress has been seen through Asia which wants to see shared borders, shared oceans and shared peace unlike the American hegemony which has sought to weaponize the American Dollar even when America is not trading.

He added that Zimbabwe is encouraged by what the BRICS are doing to break away from the chains so that people can ve able to trade freely.

He added that President E.D Mnangagwa with his revolutionary experience is working towards developing the country and that this has seen the PRC’s largest steel company opening shop in Zimbabwe to make sure that steel is fully processed in the country so that it shares in China’s experience of infrastructure development.

The International Department of the CPC Li Mingxiang noted that his country remains committed to supporting Zimbabwe move towards its development path.

“We have adhered to the leadership’s call to fulfilling our roles. We will continue moving towards the path we have chosen for our people. We have seen that ZANU PF has led to development through NDS1. We want to continue to work with ZANU PF to better develop our countries, cultivate more cadres and think tanks.”

Chinese Professors Gan Meixia and Wang Gonglong made presentations on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics and its Global significance. The Seminar was held under the theme “Experience of the CPC and ZANU PF in Exploring Independent Development Path.”

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