Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

Preparations for the inaugural Culture Imbizo and Exhibition Cradle are in course with the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) and Nature’s Craddle having scheduled the even for the 18th of May 2022.

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The exhibition to be part of the culture month commemorations will be held at Cresta lodge in Harare and will run under the general Culture Month theme, “Celebrating Cultural Diversity Leaving no one behind”.

In a statement Rodney Ruwende NAC’s Communication and Marketing Manager said “the platform will provide for the alignment of the culture sector in order to transform the country’s creative industry into an economic driver as well as bring about the rejuvenation and informed policy reformation, systems change, and the creation of new structures that will align and reinforce collaboration between Business, Government and the CCI sector.

He added that “confirmed speakers at the event include Russell Mavudzi (Music Management Forum of Zimbabwe), Godfrey Koti (Zimbabwe Tourism Authority) Masimba Kuchera (Inclusive Consultant) Sekai Kuvarika (Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries), Nigel Chanakira (SMI), and Phillipa Phillips (Phillips Law).”

He also added that the “Imbizo will also feature carefully selected performances by award-winning South Africa based Zimbabwean Artist Bekezela, Imbube group Amaqaqa and a curated set by a high school band churning out old songs from the 1980s. The exhibition Cradle will showcase Zimbabwean CCI sector products, with some regional countries also expected to showcase their products in line with the theme of the event. The exhibition will show traditional cuisines, traditional musical instruments, traditional tools and equipment.”

Meanwhile, the second Week of Culture Month is in full swing with District launches taking place in Gokwe South, Gweru, Zvishavane, Mberengwa and Shurugwi. A Cultural Foods Cooking Competition will also be held at the Gwanda Culture village.

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