Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


5 min read

by Jasper Mhaka

As the glad tidings of conquer ,spread like veld fire,multitudes wore smiles on the news that, Masvingo Province Youth Boss,Cde John Paradza had nicked the biggest National Youth post ,becoming the first wezhira, to land this prestigious seat when for the first time Youth will constitute a majority of the electorate in the impending plebiscite.

For ordinary party fanatics it was a triumph of the ancient City over the entire nation, yet for the back stage staff who had pushed and pulled Cde Paradza behind the scenes ,this wasn’t a promotion, this was a difficult and highly demanding responsibility that took more than just the provincial executive’s unwavering input but the entirety of Masvingo Youth league’s leadership to harness their diversified specialty and abilities towards total attainment of the 5 million votes agenda as well as tangible empowerment reforms and inclusion of Youths in the growth, build and betterment of the Zimbabwean masses as enshrined in President Mnangagwa’s NDS1 and vision 2030 blueprints.

The vice secretary for Youth affairs post means that the nation has entrusted Masvingo with a sacred responsibility not only to adopt their fresh role as exemplary leader of the Youth act,pact and policy in leading the line in mobilizing Youths to the pro-Youth vision of President Mnangagwa and the revolutionary party but also to adopt a stencil electoral and party promotion roadmap that Zimbabwe’s Youth cannot ignore ahead of an election that stands to be decided by the Youth vote.

The distinguished and seasoned leader of the Revolutionary party and first secretary cde E.D Mnangagwa has set the tone with regards to adoption of meritocracy, as he recently rewarded,with contracts for successful permanent secretaries and Ministers, a move globally applauded as a panacea of success, the Youth is inherently expected to deploy,promote youth cadres according to ability in the process of delegation of duties toward mass mobilisation and promotion of the Zanu pf party brand across color ,gender,ethnic and spatial divides of our country.

The incoming Youth leadership is expected to rise above the tide in silencing western funded oppositional detractors who have ceaselessly attempted to demean the legacy of Zanu pf in standing by the people and promoting Youth empowerment. It is expectant that the new leadership will take Youth empowerment initiatives to a new level,by bridging the gap between Youths and government funding,land and leasehold,collateral impediments to loans access,regional subjugation as well as deliberate neglect of Youth participation in economy building.

As will be supported by the impending census data, a majority of Rural party Youths who make over 70 % are predominantly unable to participate and register say in the politics of the day due to inaccessibility of registration documentation .The new leadership is expected to utilize the eager will of Government to harness both Registry and Zec departments to ensure that all voter eligible Youths are flawless and hassle freely documented and registered to vote for the party that has for generations advocated for the total liberation and emancipation not only the black majority but the Youth who are the vanguard and future of party and nation.

The Youth league is expected to operate on the conspicuously development that the opposition has manipulated the massive unemployment figures amongst the Youths created by the ugly results of illegal sanctions imposed by the west in a bid to undermine the land reform, fail the economy of Zimbabwe and foster regime change, therefore inherently, the Youth league is expected to come up with short and long term programs and projects that should absorb the idle Youth labor force.Public and Private entities involved in developmental projects must be obliged by law to employ, involve and be share owned by Youth within the confines the
Specific districts and provinces.

The Youth league is expected to push Parliament into crafting laws that compel companies benefiting from government contracts to cede shares and Job opportunities to Youths in the confinements of their relevant political delimitations.

Urban and Rural councils embroiled in commercial and residential standards sales must be bound to set aside stands and allocations for Youths at reasonable payment arrangements in order to depict the vision of president Mnangagwa who on countless times has envisaged that government has a religious responsibility to provide for Youth involvement and opportunities.

The Youths are the vanguard of the Revolution and vision of President Mnangagwa ,that in the recent months has been undermined by rogue ,unscrupulous and Selfish saboteurish elements funded by the west to fail confidence in the economy and currency as well as infinite corrupt,profiteering and looting acts that lead to suffering of the ordinary citizens ,inherently the Youth must adopt a policy and framework to curb and report and make follow ups on cases against perpetrators of ecomic sabotage to relevant law enforcement authorities.

Youth by virtue of being the de facto future leaders of the party have a responsibility of maintaining the concordial relationship between party and traditional leadership, the Youth league must frequent meet with chief’s council and chief’s to share the state of ongoings and pertinent issues that require abrupt attention so that the party Youth remains with sustainable rapport with the elderly of their communities as well as renew cultural, tribal and community ties with the party.

Art and sport remain great unifiers and empowerment vehicles of Youth,their leadership should Bridge the gap between undiscovered Rural talent with local and international media exposure. Nationl Youth Talent Exhibitions in art, music ,sport ,technology must be harnessed to the fullest extents.This should go as far allocating budget allocations and airplay durations for Youth talent identification. Tax holiday and subsidies must be given to corporate entities that promote and sponsor Youth art and sport disciplines.Neccesary facilities must be availed to promote scouting, promotion and marketing of Youth in sport by communities, churches and election of sport academies .

As enshrined in the benevolent Vision of President Mnangagwa ,that entails Youth prioritization, inclusion and empowerment all government departments entailed In economically productive activities must be bound by legislation to cede considerable percentages of their share ownership,tenders and employment rolls to exclusively the youth.

The national Youth panel must be operate cognizant of the increasing role that social media now plays in public political ,economic and social perception ,therefore it is very critical that the Youth league appoint a national Social media narrative leader and defender team popularly known as ” varakashi” from capable cadres who are well funded and equipped to ensure that the public perception is not poisoned with toxic negativities of pro oppositional elements who persistently douse the gullible masses with unfair,unpatriotic and saboteurish perception of day to day developments.

For the rest of the nation,the deputy secretary for Youth affairs post is a promotion, but to the progressive Youth leadership ,it is daunting responsibility that requires the Zanu pf Youth league to adopt a swift “hit the ground running ” approach to ensuring the pro-people vision of President Mnangagwa is safely afforded another opportunity to complete its benevolent projects.

The ball now rolls in our court as Youths to pay back the with workaholic gratitude, the gesture of affection that our President has shown us ,with massive party mobilisation and popularity crusades that will ensure that President Mnangagwa gets 5 million plus votes .

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