Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


1 min read

By Tendai Moyo

ZANU PF National Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha has thanked the various Party members who were converged in Epworth over the weekend.

The Party’s President and First Secretary Cde E.D Mnangagwa launched the campaign for the by-elections for both Parliamentary and Local Government elections scheduled for next month.

In an interview, the NPC said “I would like to thanks the membership for a well attended rally over the weekend and for the discipline displayed during the function. The crowd was well attentive right from the start to the end,” Cde Bimha said.

“I would also like to thank the organizing committee both at the Party Headquarters and the Province for thorough preparations for the event whose main highlight was the regularization of illegal settlements which will witness the issuance of title deeds and we hope this will be done speedily.”

Cde Bimha also expressed his satisfaction at the organization by the  ICT Department which managed to have the event live streamed to the areas with by-elections and got the message from the President in Real time.

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