Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


4 min read

by Jasper Mhaka

On what may perhaps, have been a dull, cloudy and quiet Saturday morning in Masvingo: the historical and iconic ancient capital, all hell broke loose when the visionary, committed and seasoned Youth leadership of hon John Paradza once again sent detractors and critics to bed with boots on, becoming the first provincial youth chairman to successfully convene a Youth Provincial Excutive committee meeting in which primarily, the 2023 mobilisation tone was set, given precedence and officially launched.

The prestigious 5 million votes agenda was transformed from mere slogan to practical alignment towards practical mobilization, recruitment, registration and head counting of Masvingo’s share of President Mnangagwa’s 5 million votes mantra.

The vibrant and objective Youth leadership of the recently elected Provincial Youth chair, who doubles as constitutional assembly member for Gutu, cde John Paradza who unanimously won the just ended provincial elections had no time to waste dwelling on reactionary shenanigans but immediately set the tone to progress by calling on all members to quickly adapt to the irrefutable fact that elections were gone and done, appealing on a the fresh Youth leadership to briskly adopt, accrue tolerance and unity of purpose as there was very limited time for tantrums in the face of impending by – elections slated for the 26th of March.

The popular and outspoken Youth boss went on to point out that, Youth empowerment was on top of the list of President’s Mnangagwa priorities and accordingly the Youth had an onus to reciprocate his gesture by ensuring that all Youths were recruited, registered and ready to cast their vote for president Mnangagwa in the 2023 harmonized elections.

In the colorful and well attended wedding style meeting, briefly graced by the Provincial chairman cde R. Mavhenyengwa and provincial Political commissariat cde B. Munyoro, who briefly addressed the delegates, further extending the need for unity, discipline and relentless loyalty to the revolutionary party, the vibrant and raring new Youth leadership each pledged their loyalties to President Mnangagwa’s and the incoming provincual leadership.

While consistently remaining true to his electoral promises,the Youth chair vividly delivered a historical election winning blueprint in which the tone for the March by-elections and 2023 general elections were clearly laid out and various responsibilities delegated in order to timeously gun the youth vote.

Various technicalities were explored -Virgin(first time) voter education, recruitment, identity document acquisitions, stracture perfection, corruption eradication and re-installing of voter confidence in the party were amongst other strategies discussed as cde Paradza delivered his keynote address in his inaugural Youth indaba convened at Masvingo Civic centre hall on the 22nd of January 2022.

The auspicious event that was attended by nearly all the provincial Youth executive committee members along with the Dcc Youth affairs secretariat across the giant province,the youthful and demagoguery legislator delicately laid out his mission, vociferously declaring that the Youth league would vouch for non, other than the sole candidature of President Mnangagwa in the impending 2023 polls.

The energetic and eloquent legislator went on to vividly illustrate the sterling job that president Mnangagwa had done and was doing to attain poverty eradication not just for the youth but the nation at large in the broad spectum of his development programs all oriented towards the ” Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo” mantra.

He went on to envisage that the youth had a religious mandate to ensure that the 5million votes agenda is realised not just in speech alone but practical numbers in accordance with the re-stracturing exercise.

Despite being choked by loud cheering, song and standing ovation, hon Paradza went on to read the riot act against a few elements who were still stuck in past internal phase, absconding meetings and staging despondency.

The distinguished Youth boss referred to the past polls as merely ‘selection ” processes which the president had envisaged had no winners or losers. He further challenged the Youth to be vigilant as they were the vanguard of the party and had to commit themselves to the of ensuring that all Youths in the province are informed of the party’s dedication toward youth empowerment and beneficiation as demonstrated by the recent president’s generous Heifer pass-on program launched at DCK farm in Kwekwe recently, where he gave 70 heifers, a tractor and 500ha of prime arable land to youths in the province.

Hon Paradza further emphasised the need for Youth to resist and avoid khaki envelopes from rogue elements who were known to manipulate youths in their personal pursuit of popularity ahead of the 2023 General elections, saying that the sole loyalty of the Youth league was to the party and President Ed Mnangagwa.

The meeting was also graced by Youth league National secretary for economic affairs cde R. Mangwana who also took to the stand and tutored the fresh Youth executives of the need to be disciplined, focused, loyal as well as objective in their day to day operations. He indicated that as provincial leadership the youths were ambassadors of the revolutionary party and hence had a duty to behave honestly, diligently and exemplary towards the masses.

The successful meeting also went miles into exploring the various strategies that the province would adopt ahead of the impending by-elections on which the Revolutionary party had a mandate to return power to Zanu pf ‘s pro-people leadership in the face of failing opposition led councils who where tearing the country’ s cities and towns to shreds.

#Masvingo Provincial Youth League# Information department

pamberi nekubatana!!
pamberi neku winner ma elections
2023 5mil votes Ed pfee!! pfee!! pfee!!✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽

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