Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


By Staff Writer

Politburo member and Head of delegation for the Bulawayo Provincial primary elections, Cde Douglas K. Mahiya says the Party membership card is not the only symbol that sets a ZANU PF member apart but his tone.

This he said during his address ahead of the elections set for today.

A total of 7 candidates battle it out in the Parliamentary elections for Pumula and Nkulumane while 26 candidates will contest in the local government elections.

“A Party card is not the only symbol of the member but his or her tone. Your tone separates you from the MDC. We must desist from campaigns that destroys the Party. Let us not give the opposition a reason to talk,” Cde Mahiya said.

“ZANU PF is the only Party which has the right to rule this country because of the blood that was shed by the sons and daughters of this country.”

Also in attendance were the primary elections supervisory team Commissioner Ngwabi Bhebe, Central Committee members Patrick Hove and Metrine Mudau as well as the Bulawayo Province leadership.

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