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Peri-Urban Farmers Implores ‘City Fathers’ to Review Colonial by-laws to Accomodate Peri-Urban Farming

2 min read

Peri-Urban Farmers Trust has implored the Local Authorities to “revisit some of the by laws which have colonial sentiments and …to formulate urban policies which encompasses peri urban farming recognition.”
In a recent statement, the Trust’s National Legal Secretary Sandra Mangwiza said peri urban farming will help reduce land invasions and hap-hazard farming which violates the environmental and urban centre by-laws.
“It is common knowledge that one of the greatest contributors to national GDP’s worldwide is peri urban farming as such, peri urban farming by the residents will be beneficial to the society as a whole.”
The Peri-Urban Farmer’s Trust seeks to arrange the provision of affordable food to the urban population at their doorsteps, whilst promoting constitutional, environmental and urban regulations which protect wetland biodiversity and reduce pollution in water bodies in urban centres.
“We take heed to the fact that there is a need to revisit some of the urban by-laws which have colonial sentiments, taking due regard to the risk of environmental degradation, it is the Trust’s main prerogative to ensure the balance between ecological preservation and the residents rights to sufficient food as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe,” .
“In partnership with local authorities, peri urban farming can generate income through the charging of nominal fees for the period section of land during the period of use,” said Mangwiza.
Zimbabwe is trailing behind other nations in respect of peri urban farming promotion and it is about time that it steps up and regulates same in accordance with world class standards inline with vision 2030.
Peri urban farming as an integrated farming system, is one which we intend to utilise for the greater benefit of the society and to achieve an upper middle-class income economy.

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