Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


3 min read

by Jasper Mhaka

Many library shelves sag beneath the weight of literature authored in a bid to tell the tales of various iconic leaders’ and their live changing policies for the citizenry, Yet it would be great historical injustice to the oracles and records of great statesmen for history not to fairly narrate President Mnangagwa’s ground breaking and historic Youth heifer pass-on program initiated none other than the visionary and pro-people president of the republic of Zimbabwe, Cde Dr ED Mnangagwa at DCk farm on Friday 7th of January 2022.

Saturdays papers, blogs and social media outlets seemed to oblivious, if not maliciously ignorant or jealousy of this astonishing act of generosity demonstrated by the President to the Youths at a time when a majority of festive season spenders moan about ‘January disease’.

The auspicious event that began off with a training workshop for the youths that involved a crash course in agro business management and basic livestock husbandry, later followed by the jaw lowering commissioning of the heifer program as well as provincial training hubs and Handover of over 10 tractors, 698 heifers and starter packs to over 600 youths who had been drawn from across the provinces.

The seasoned and Youth loving leader proceeded to bolster his previous promise of 500ha of land per province to Youths whom he at lengthy encouraged to adopt agriculture as a business also envisaging the importance of agriculture productivity as well as youth participation economic development programs.

It so happens that this year alone 2022..the president has made theory meet practical in his youth empowerment drive, especially to a sector of the population that had not previously partaken the benefits of the black empowering ideological of Zanu pf governance.

The DCK farm heifer takeover ceremony that exposed President Mnangagwa’s infinite generosity, philanthropy and national building urge deserves to go down legendary into our history books as a an example of Cde Mnangagwa ceaseless defiance of western detractors and their sanctions and fierce determination to rebuild the economy by tangibly empowering youths and directing them into active participation into the economy building process.

Not only is it a robust poverty ending initiative but an extension of Murambwi’s protracted efforts at resuscitating agrarian productivity, attainment of food self sufficiency and employment generation.

It is astute injustice to history if this great pioneering progranme, that sees Zimbabwean becoming the first country in Africa, if not in the world to issue out livestock and land specifically for Youths who in most countries are the hardest hit by the agonies of job scarcity.

The proactive allocation of Youth quota in development initiatives as well as the promised budget allocations for these Youth agro programs will go a long way not only into improving generational livelihoods but demostrate in capital letters, the robust wisdom, love and concern that out president possesses for the future of the country.

Such considerate, mindful and philanthropic acts on the part of our leadership must be upheld and elevated to its highest reach.The ball now lies in the court of us ,the Youth, to embrace the generosity of our president and quickly endeavor into thse lucrative business that have been endowed upon.

Indeed as true to the adage :Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo.
It our collective responsibility and Onus as Youths to participate in our diligent president’s vision to create an upper and middle income economy by 2030.. Brick upon brick….

Jasper Mhaka



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