By Taonga Botolo and Va Tagwirei
President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is a moderate drinker. From the days of liberation struggle to this day, he observes a strict routine of drinking moderately from January 1 to June 30.
He calls these first six months of the year as the “wet period/season.”
From July 30 to December 31 he follows what he calls a dry/thirsty period where he does not touch any alcoholic substance.
This regimen, according to his close aides, was developed during war years on orders of COD Josiah Tongogara, following the death of veteran fighter Peter Baya from liver cirrhosis.
The late Baya succumbed to liver cirrhosis which doctors traced to heavy drinking of strong Portuguese stuff, itself a form of release from stresses and strains of a brutal war.
An angry Tongogara rounded up all top commanders and threateningly reminded them they had all left for the struggle to kill for Zimbabwe or to die from bullets for the same. Never to die from drink.
From now on, ordered the Zanla Chief-Of-Defence, everyone had to decide on a drinking schedule which interlarded moderate drinking and total abstinence.
All did, which is how ED decided on six wet months, followed by six dry ones, to this day.
Against this background, consider any rumor of President Mnangagwa being drunk during public functions as cheap politics being peddled by those who don’t wish the beloved President well.