Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


4 min read


In a positive move that is projected to resonate with Zimbabwean youths, the ruling party, ZANU PF made a raft of resolutions beneficial to that demographic, at its hybrid 2021 Annual National People’s Conference held recently in Bindura.

The resolutions, coming on the eve of November, which is celebrated globally as World Youth Month, reaffirmed ZANU PF’s commitment to investing in developmental policies that seek to enhance livelihoods today, as well as secure the future of the nation. Incidentally, in Zimbabwe, those aged thirty-five (35) and below, constitute sixty-eight percent (68%) of the population.
The Preamble to the over eighty conference resolutions, in part, asserted that priority would be on “socio-economic transformation through the judicious implementation of the National Development Strategy (NDS1) in order to achieve sustainable growth and modernisation of the economy in line with Vision 2030.

Given that His Excellency, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, who is also First Secretary of the ruling party, has robustly rallied that “ Noone will be left behind”, a closer look at the comprehensive resolutions shows that perhaps the biggest beneficiaries of the Second Republic’s developmental projects and programmes will be the youths.

In clear testimony to the aforesaid, the 2021 National People’s Conference resolved that ZANU PF orders Government to accord youths a thirty percent (30%) quota in Rural and Urban Authorities, as well as Provincial Councils. Effectively, ZANU PF resolved to give youths a massive say in national and local governance, as well as power to determine their current and future socio-economic conditions. In light of devolution, youths through their own leaders, will enjoy expansive power and influence to determine policies and programmes that benefit their communities.

Previously, to an extent, youths have had policies formulated and implemented for them. With this revolutionary quota in government, youths will, henceforth determine the focus and directionality of their desired socio-economic developmental agenda.

In another shot in the arm, Conference resolved that ZANU PF directs Government to prioritise access to projects by youths, women, Veterans of the Liberation Struggle and persons with disabilities. For some time now, the ZANU PF Youth League has been calling for mainstreaming of youth-led projects in mining, agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and other sectors of the economy. The resolution, therefore, is cause for celebration amongst Zimbabwean youths, as Government will propel their projects towards economic and social emancipation.

Relatedly, Conference resolved that Government be directed to assist youths with collateral to access loans and to accord them preferential treatment in Public Procurement. In itself, this resolution addresses two very critical concerns amongst youths in business.
Firstly, for long, many youth-driven business initiatives have floundered for lack of capital. Banks and other funding institutions have often charged usurious interest on loans, or demanded unaffordable collateral, making it impossible for innovative youths to secure funding for their business ideas. This resolution will help such youths. While modalities will be worked out, this writer is hopeful that Government will act as guarantor for such loans.

Secondly, by proposing that youths get preferential treatment in Public Procurement, ZANU PF is addressing the challenge of markets for goods and services provided by youths. In that light, the onus will be on youths to provide quality goods and services required by an existing market, in this case, Government.

Further, Conference also resolved that the Party directs Government to capacitate youths, amongst other sections of the society, with business management and skills training prior to issuance of empowerment loans. This is a welcome move, one that will ensure that innovative youths will conduct business grounded on proper and judicious principles and ethics. Effectively, ZANU PF is addressing challenges faced in previous loan disbursements whereby beneficiaries abused and/or misused loans because they lacked requisite skills to grow their capital to profit from their endeavours.
In a bid to underpin youth participation in national development, Conference also resolved to direct Government to expedite implementation of the National Youth Service (NYS). While opposition and regime change inclined detractors have sought to malign the NYS programme, its comprehensive impact in developing a nationalistic, patriotic, focused and caring youth cadre is beyond debate. It is the fervent hope that Government quickly reenergises the NYS programme to ensure that generations are mobilised towards the national development agenda.

That said, it is clear that ZANU PF, with the agile and able steersmanship of President and First Secretary, Cde Mnangagwa has thrown its weight behind youths, not only in the interest of Vision 2030,but for posterity!!

Simple advice to Zimbabwean youths, join the push for national development and enjoy the quest for socio-economic prosperity. You seek power, facilitation, capacitation, funding? The 2021 National People’s National Conference delivered that template. Deliver on your mandate…… harness your energy towards personal and national development, take honest advantage of the opportunities that abound, take positive ACTION to improve livelihoods through PRODUCTION!!


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