Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

By Taonga Botolo

It is October 25. This is the day Southern Africa Development Community (Sadc) declared as Anti-Sanctions Day in solidarity with Zimbabwe

On this day, all the Embassies in Sadc member states jointly come together to denounce the crippling sanctions which western governments led by United States and United Kingdom imposed on Zimbabwe in 2000.

This marks the third successive year for the anti-sanctions lobby after the initial declaration made at the 39th Summit of Heads of State and Government in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in 2019.

The regional body’s solidarity movement against sanctions on Zimbabwe has been a succesf so far as the United Nations has also taken bold steps.

Days ago, the UN Human Rights Council dispatched a special envoy who is in Zimbabwe to investigate the impact of the sanctions on ordinary citizens.

After the assessment, the rapporteur Prof. Alena Douhan is expected to make recommendations to the UN headquarters and if precedence is anything to go by, the General Assembly would vote to have the sanctions removed.

This is a diplomatic victory for President Emmerson Mnangagwa who promised Zimbabweans better life but his efforts are being hampered by the satanic sanctions imposed on the country’s economic system as well as individuals from the ruling elite and cronies.

The sanctions could have been removed by now had it not been for calls by opposition lunatics namely Advocates Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti who travelled all the way to the USA to beg for more sanctions on poor Zimbabweans.

Interestingly, the two politicians have ambitious plans to one day lead Zimbabwe, same country they are plotting against.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe government intends to introduce a Patriotic Bill aimed at making those who plot against the country pay heavy price.

Economists estimate that Zimbabwe has to this day lost over $50 billion in revenue in the last 20 years the sanctions have been in place.

At its recent summit in Lilongwe, Malawi, Sadc reiterated calls for the unconditional lifting of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and urged the world to support reforms that are underway.

Sadc further hailed President Mnangagwa for helping maintain peace and security in the region.

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