Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

By Taonga Botolo

Celebrated Journalist and opposition MDC Alliance strategist-in-chief Hopewell Chin’ono was all tears after his party failed in its efforts to get 30 000 signatures required to attract UN attention on alleged corruption and human rights abuses in Zanu-PF led government.

Instead of 30 000 desired signatures, a meagre 3 750 signatories responded to the opposition’s desperate call.

Writing on his social media handles facebook and twitter, Chin’ono bemoaned opposition members’ lack of interest in the matter.

The UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights is expected to visit Zimbabwe and tomorrow Sunday is deadline for submissions of petition that require the Rapporteurs attention.

The special envoy led by Belarusian Alena Douhan is expected to jet in Zimbabwe from October 18 to 28.  

“The Special Rapporteur and her team will collect information and hold a series of meetings with government authorities, civil society organisations, the private sector and the opposition,” the UN said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Chin’ono and his boss Nelson Chamisa and entire MDC-A machinery wanted to pounce on the opportunity by painting a bad picture of Zimbabwe as a corrupt and hostile nation.

He strangely agreed to the notion that Zimbabwe opposition is disjointed and too weak to face a formidable opponent like President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“When foreign embassies say that the opposition in Zimbabwe is disorganized, this is what they mean,” wrote Chin’ono.

Added he: “A UN rapporteur is coming, tomorrow (Sunday) is deadline for submissions.
You are asked for 30,000 signatures on a serious issue of corruption, only 3,750 sign it.”

“When Western countries start shifting towards deals with Mnangagwa, it is bcoz the progressives would have failed to make the case.
Western countries and any other country will pursue relationships with people who will look more likely to help them push their national interest.
What more can foreigners do when Zimbabweans have no appetite to help themselves?” wept Chin’ono.

Meanwhile, political experts we talked to say it is not a surprise that Zimbabweans are giving the opposition cold shoulder.

A prominent political expert at University of Zimbabwe told this publication that the way President Mnangagwa is delivering his campaign promises, it will be hard for the opposition especially Chamisa and his MDC-A to mount any serious challenge to his grip on to power.

“Zimbabwe is no longer the same. Mnangagwa is in no playing mood. If you have followed him, everyday he is either commissioning or launching a project. He is positioning himself so well that come 2023, i will not be surprised to see him sweeping all the 10 provinces,” explained the expert who did not want to have her name published.

Soon after becoming President in 2017, Mnangagwa promised to rebuild Zimbabwe brick by brick and true to his words, Zimbabwe is being rebuilt much to the excitement of majority Zimbabweans.

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