Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


3 min read

By Margaret Kamba

There has been a deliberate move by Government to assist our children to desist from drug and substance abuse. Whether or not it will work, is what we await to see, but with each of us needing to play our part in ensuring we build a great future for them.

The generation that came after some of us, believe it or not, is way different. Why? It beats me. However, what I have seen are more techno-savy children, very brainy, more extrovert and daring. They are children that will literally dare to do anything and not really care about the impact it will have on the present, future and on whoever even themselves.

Here are children that will wear anything and have even their own parents wondering what is going on. They will challenge rules and ask questions that some of us have never even asked. They will undermine authority and see nothing wrong with it at all.

We have seemingly raised a generation that has lost the true values of ubuntu or hunhu because we used kid gloves on them. For this reason many of our children lack character, humility, dignity and respect.

We have raised a people that feel or perceive themselves better than others. A group that always feels they must be the ones getting everything that is deemed good because they are better than others.

This is the class of people that are not rich in anything really and that perhaps have grown up with nothing hence their greed and self centred nature.

These people think they are literally the only ones meant to be noticed and when others who are not them are, they will go at arm’s length to try and disarm them.

These people will try all the tricks in the book to badmouth the people in possession and when they see that they are outdone, they invent new tricks that can catch people off guard.

One wonders what it is exactly about these people. I have come to the conclusion that they have a serious low self esteem, are over compensating to their qualities and very dishonest people.

Our children have grown up in a terrible environment which has been exacerbated by covid-19. Many have been abused in all forms as evidenced by the number of teenage pregnancies recorded. Those who have failed to access education during the lockdown periods have become dunder heads if not worse.

The access to internet and its evils that pop up time and again, have exposed and influenced our children to adulthood and resulted in them maturing earlier than necessary. They have grown up way before their time as some have become parents by making wrong choices while others have been thrown to childheaded families involuntarily. We cannot deny that the hand of the enemy is written all over in order to disarm our children from their birth-right.

It seems senseless to parent the neighbour’s child because poking your nose in their business can result in unnecessary battles. And so we watch in silence when our children go the wrong way. We even debate the idea to correct or discipline the child because back then, the child was for the whole village.

Questions that quickly cross my mind include the following: how do we recover this generation and create a better tomorrow for them? How do we allow them to be children? How do we help them undo the wrong decisions made? How do we bring them back? I still have found no answers to these.

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