Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

Matemadanda calls for unity

2 min read

By Locadia Mavhudzi Midlands Correspondent
Zanu-PF National Political Commissar Cde Victor Matemadanda has encouraged all political players to bury their differences and work towards the development of the nation.
Cde Matemadanda, who was speaking at a provincial clean-up day in Gweru, said elected political leaders must work towards the development of the nation and not waste time on petty issues.
“I have seen a scenario here in Gweru where all the 18 local councillors are from the MDC-Alliance.
“This means Zanu-PF did not perform well here and the contestants conceded that they did not win the election. What then surprises me is that there are some political leaders who are not admitting that they were defeated.
“They contested in court, but still did not win. We are way past the election period, but they have not woken up to reality. I want to urge all political players that unity and tolerance is key to development,” he said.
The political commissar took a swipe at retailers charging exorbitant prices and underhand pricing in foreign currency saying the new dispensation will not tolerate efforts to derail the development path that the nation has taken.
“Those with pharmacies that are overcharging their products and letting people die, be warned! Those transporters who are giving their vehicles to reckless drivers who are overcharging passengers are also warned that we are coming there!”
He also took time to explain the ongoing austerity measures as a means to achieve a middle income economy.
“As a nation we really needed to get to a point when we adopt our own currency. No nation has ever developed using foreign currency. We want our youth, women and vendors to contribute towards national development.
“They can only do that if they transact using local currency.
“The American dollar is currently being manipulated by economic sharks who want to further cripple our economy. We are now in the process of formalising the informal economy.”
Cde Matemadanda applauded urban dwellers for their stance towards the stayaways that were called for by some political parties.
“I am proud of your response to the call for stayaway that was being organised by enemies of the State. Well done for shunning that call. You value your work and you know very well that such actions will not put food on your tables, but disturb your peace”
He also took a swipe at corrupt individuals in parastatals and Government institutions saying that the new dispensation will totally deal with corrupt people.
“You cannot afford to be half-right and half-corrupt. It’s either you are corrupt or not. And corrupt individuals will not be tolerated by the current administration.”

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