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No going back in war against graft: War vets

2 min read

Mash Central Bureau
War veterans will fight alongside President Mnangagwa in the battle against corruption and to deal decisively with business cartels which have caused untold suffering to Zimbabweans through unfair business practices, Zanu-PF secretary for war veterans Cde Douglas Mahiya has said.

Speaking during a report back meeting for war veterans which centred on their welfare in Rushinga recently, Cde Mahiya said corruption greatly affected the economy, leading to most challenges the country was facing.

He said the issue should be openly debated regardless of who is implicated.

Cde Mahiya said cartels are ganging up in order to sabotage the economy through pegging unrealistic foreign currency rates on the parallel market and hiking prices of basic commodities beyond the reach of many.

“On the issue of cartels, we will stand by President Mnangagwa in order deal decisively with the cartels,” he said. “Cartels are ganging up in order to sabotage the economy.

“They are the ones who are pegging unrealistic foreign currency rates, as well as prices of basic commodities at exorbitant prices beyond the reach of many people.

“The President recently announced that he will deal with the cartels and, as war veterans, we will fight alongside him. We are prepared to name and shame the cartels.

“I am sorry to say this, but I am one person in Zanu-PF who speaks the truth. These days there is talk of corruption and I am one of those who are not corrupt. The President is speaking strongly against corruption, so when you go back to the people, tell them that the comrades are here and they are talking about corruption.

“It does not matter who is involved, we will talk about it. There should be an end to corruption within the party. Corruption eroded our economy, leading to all the challenges we are facing.” Cde Mahiya said there were many people who could not explain the source of their wealth.

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