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Zimondi challenges senior officers

3 min read

By Freeman Razemba Crime Reporter

Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS) Commissioner-General Retired Major-General Paradzai Zimondi has challenged newly-promoted senior officers in the service to continue advocating and supporting Government policies which are designed for economic growth.
President Mnangagwa recently elevated Senior Assistant Commissioner Shepherd Mpofu to the position of Deputy Commissioner-General (human resources).
He replaced Deputy Comm-Gen Huggins Machingauta, who retired early this year. The appointment was effective from June 13 this year. Snr Deputy Comm-Gen Mpofu was conferred with his new rank yesterday by Comm-Gen Zimondi at his offices in Harare.
Addressing senior officers, Comm-Gen Zimondi expressed his gratitude to President Mnangagwa for his guidance and support which culminated in the promotion of Deputy Comm-Gen Mpofu.
“Let me hasten to mention that it is through the officer’s sheer hard work and loyalty that led to his elevation,” he said.
“DCG Mpofu proved to be an officer of unquestionable character and loyalty whose devotion to duty and serving his country is intrinsically driven.
Having said that, allow me once again to express my sincere gratitude to His Excellency the President, the Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Cde E.D Mnangagwa for this promotion, which I believe will go a long way in turning around the fortunes of the ZPCS.”
Comm-Gen Zimondi urged Deputy Comm-Gen Mpofu to preach more verses of loyalty, patriotism, dedication to duty, team work and unity among members of staff.
“As I have already stated that your elevation brings with it a lot of responsibilities, I, therefore, urge you to continue to be vigilant, well-focused and resolute,” he said.
“Continue to work hard and inspire your juniors by exemplifying good leadership qualities and discipline. It is only good leaders who can be emulated, consequently you must lead by example and ensure that there is zero tolerance to corruption and indiscipline in whatever form and by whatever name.”
Comm-Gen Zimondi said in accordance with their vision to become the leading correctional service provider in the region and beyond, Deputy Comm-Gen Mpofu was expected to innovatively and creatively find possible solutions to challenges bedevilling the success of the organisation in its quest to achieve its constitutional mandate.
He said one of their most urgent priorities was to provide adequate food requirements to their ever-increasing inmate population.
“In view of this development, I call upon you to ensure that staff under command continue to fully embrace the Government’s initiated Command Agriculture programmes with the view to fully utilising the farms that were allocated to us through the land reform programme,” said Comm-Gen Zimondi.
“The full utilisation of the prison farms will no doubt ensure that as a department, the ZPCS will become self-sustained in terms of food security in line with the Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP).”
Comm-Gen Zimond said he will continue to work in consultation with the relevant authorities with the view to improving conditions of service for all members of the service from time to time.
Deputy-Comm Gen Mpofu applauded President Mnangagwa for promoting him and Comm-Gen Zimondi for the recommendations and conferring him with the new rank. He promised to work hard and remain loyal and disciplined to the organisation and the country.
Deputy Comm-Gen Mpofu was the officer commanding Matabeleland South Province before his recent promotion and becomes the fourth Deputy Commissioner-General.
Comm-Gen Zimondi works with four deputies responsible for human resources, administration, correctional services and audit and the inspectorate department.
Deputy Comm-Gen Mpofu joined ZPCS in 1996 and rose through the ranks to the current position. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Management) degree from Solusi University.

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