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73-year-old ‘rapes’ mentally challenged woman

2 min read

Courtney Matende, Midlands Reporter
A 73-YEAR-OLD man from Chirumanzu has been arrested for allegedly raping a 49-year-old mentally challenged woman after offering to give her a baby.

Vitalis Gaika appeared before Gweru regional magistrate Mrs Phathekile Msipa facing two counts of rape.

Gaika pleaded not guilty to the charge and was remanded in custody to July 11.

During the trial, the complainant’s mother, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, indicated that this was the second time the rape was happening.

“Gaika raped my daughter two times before and that time I reported the matter to the village head. He was told to compensate her with a chicken but he did not have the chicken so he was only warned not to repeat the same offence.

I was then enlightened by a programme I listened to on the radio that talked about mentally challenged people who are sexually abused and got a phone number from that programme to report the matter,” she said.

It is the State case that on April 9 last year at around 4PM, the complainant was sent by her mother to herd cattle.

Whilst the complainant was herding the cattle, Gaika allegedly approached her saying he wanted to give her a baby and the complainant rejected the proposal.

Gaika, who was carrying an axe, allegedly removed his trousers and her panties and had sexual intercourse with her twice.

The complainant allegedly then dressed herself up and went home.

At home, the court heard, the complainant’s mother asked her to bring the dishes that were outside into the kitchen but she ignored her.

Her mother noticed that her dress was wet at the back and asked her what happened and she revealed her ordeal.

On November 5, the complainant was accompanied by her brother to ZRP Charandura where a report was made leading to the arrest of Gaika.

Mr Talent Tadenyika appeared for the State.

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