Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

Stayaways unhelpful: President

3 min read

By Takunda Maodza in Kondo, Chipinge

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa yesterday thanked Zimbabweans for ignoring calls by shadowy organisations to stay away from work saying demonstrations were not in the best interest of the country.
He urged unity, as it is a recipe for economic prosperity.
Some organisations linked to the opposition were posting messages across social media platforms urging Zimbabweans to “stay away” and warning of dire consequences for citizens who were going to ignore the call and report for duty.
Addressing hundreds of villagers who converged at Kondo Primary School to witness him officially opening the rehabilitated Tanganda-Ngundu Highway, President Mnangagwa said demonstrations and stay aways benefited no one.
He said focus by all must be on developing the country as demonstrated by the commissioning of the Tanganda-Ngundu Highway, instead of wasting energy on negativity.
“For those with mobile phones, they were saying today you should stay away, stay away. Stay away yokudii? Muchigara kuitira ani? Anozotambura ndiani kana mukasasevenza?,” said President Mnangagwa.
He reiterated that such calls were destructive.
“Anozotambura marega ndiani nekuti shoko raJehovha rinoti iro nokutadza kwamaita kudya muchero uyu muchararama necheziya. Zvino umwe woti iye aiwa ngatiregei kushanda. Ko tozodyei kana tisingashande? Saka musaterera mhesva mukono idzi dzinopihwa mari nevanhu varikunze, dzinopihwa mari nevanhu vagere ku South Africa uko vatinoziva vamwe ma criminals akatiza muno varikutsvaga mari kuti kuve nemhirizhonga mukati menyika ivo vagere vachiplanner varimumahotera. Pasi navo! Saka hakuna stay away,” added President Mnangagwa.
“Ndizvo zvatinofanira kushaya hope nazvo zvokuronga kuvaka nyika kwete kuputsa. Aiwa.”
He said he had checked across the country to see if people had “stayed away” as incited by the opposition, but it was confirmed to him that Zimbabweans had gone to work as usual.
“Ndamuka nhasi ndichibvunza nyika yose dhorobha by dhorobha kubva kuno Manicaland, Mash East, Mash Central, Mash West, Midlands, Masvingo, Bulawayo, Mat South, Mat North ziii. Vanhu vose vaenda kumabasa. Ngatitendeyi mhuri yeZimbabwe kuti aiwa nguva yokunyengedzwa yapfuura toda kusimudzira nyika yedu. Tinongoisimudzira nekushanda kwete ne violence nema stay away kupaza zvitoro kutora zvinhu zvavaridzi, kurova vanhu kwete. Toda kuwirirana, kubatana. Kubatsirana, kuronga zvinobudikisa nzvimbo yatigere sezvino izvi mava nomugwagwa wenyu mavakufamba nyore. Kana muchida kutengesa zvinhu kwaMutare munoenda nyore kana kuMasvingo zvinofamba nyore. Vaikoko zvichivuya vuno ndozvatinoda ndiyo budiriro,” said President Mnangagwa.
He also spoke on corruption saying the fight against the scourge will net everyone regardless of rank, totem or association.
“Ndouya panyaya yohuwori regai ndikutaurirei pasi nehuwori. Huwori hahuna mutupo. Mitupo yose motova neumwe ari muhuwori. Hamungandiudzi kuti mutupo wokuti haubi kune vanonyanya ndoupi uyoyo. Mutupo upi unonyanya? Hakuna mutupo usina mbavha mukati saka hatitsvagi mbavha nomutupo totsvaga nemabasa emunhu. Musazoti nhingi anangwa nekuti mupfupi nhingi anangwa nekuti anoyera moyo, aiwa, munhu anonangwa nemabasa ake aanenge aita. Kana usingadi kunangwa shanda wakarurama.
“Hard and honest work will give you respect today and tomorrow and after your death you will be remembered for being a hard working Zimbabwean who was honest,” said President Mnangagwa.
He said citizens knew corrupt individuals and must report them to the police.

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