Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


1 min read

“Marathon Route has an opportunity to showcase the good works being done by the President Dr ED Mnangagwa led 2nd Republic”

Patriots Reporter

Harare – Fitness enthusiast Robert Shingi Bhamu is trading his running shoes for administrative duties as he brings into life an idea that was started some four years back. The seed will see the inauguration of HEROES HALF MARATHON which, “in a few years time” would be a qualification event for international marathons.

Robert Bhamu said this during an online program hosted by influencer group ZANU PF PATRIOTS on their WhatsApp platform yesterday.

The Heroes Half Marathon will be held on the 10th August 2024 and will see many local and regional athletes competing in the prime event

The 21km race begins at the National Heroes Acre and will be running under the theme Run The Experience

Preparations for the event are proceeding well and on Wednesday the official press conference would be held.

Mr. Bhamu said the organizing committee is comprised of veteran administrators and former marathon runners as well as green start ups who have some zeal and brilliant ideas that should make the event a success. One such veteran runner is Collin Makaza who has won accolades both at home, regionally and internationally.


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