Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

By Margaret Kamba

ZANU PF President and First Secretary, Cde E.D Mnangagwa has challenged the newly elected Politburo members to tow the correct Party line and be guided by its Constitution.

Speaking at the 367th Ordinary Session of the Politburo this Thursday, President Mnangagwa said each member must ensure to the popularity of the Revolutionary Party as National leaders.

“The unity of our colossal revolutionary Party and the people centred development we are realising as a nation must inspire us as the current crop of leaders to carry forward this rich legacy,” President Mnangagwa said.

“It is incumbent upon this newly appointed Politburo to wholeheartedly serve towards consolidating the strength of ZANU PF’s popularity in our country body politic.

“As you assume this honorous responsibility associated with serving in the Politburo, we must recommit to tow the correct line of the Party, uphold Constitutionalism and our ideolog, internal democratic practices as well as rules ans procedures of the Party. There’s no room for personal, group, district or provincial self-serving interests. You are all now national leaders. We must never be found wanting.”

President Mnangagwa referred the Politburo members to Article 18 Section 42 of the Party Constitution and reminded them that they are called to serve.

“We are called to serve. The principles of servant leadership must characterise our work ethic. We are a revolutionary mass Party of the people, by the people and for the people. Members should emerge from this session with zeal to diligently implement the resolutions of the 7th National Congress.”

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