Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

ZANU PF committed to increased participation of women in achieving vision 2030: Cde Nhambu-Kaseke

2 min read

By Margaret Kamba

ZANU PF Women’s League Secretary for External Relations Cde Betty Nhambu-Kaseke says the Party is committed to increased participation of women in attaining vision 2030.

Speaking during the regional meeting of the Secretariat of the Pan African Women’s Organisation PAWO meeting held this Thursday, the External Relations Secretary said various programmes had been lined up to ensure improved livelihoods.

“The Women’s League continues to consolidate the successes recorded in the activities geared towards the social, economic and political empowerment of women in line with the objectives of PAWO,” she said.

“In this regard, the prioritised activities earmarked for implementation in the year 2023 and beyond are in tandem with the national vision of becoming an Upper middle status economy by 2030 leaving no place and noone behind.”

Cde Nhambu-Kaseke noted that the highlights of the previous year included increasing the fight against HIV and AIDS, establishing Gender Based Violence one stop centers as well as political and economic empowerment of women in tourism, mining and agriculture.

Women’s issues amongst them gender based violence, gender equality and promoting the rights of women and children cut across the members of PAWO hence their continued sharing of ideas at such platforms.

Some of their strategies include engaging relevant stakeholders in addressing these issues, putting legislation to promote the participation of women in decision making positions. Their strategies talk to accountability, justice, safety, response, care and support as well as information management.

The delegation representing ZANU PF included Deputy Secretary for External Affairs Cde Rebecca Manjere, Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Lucia Mudzingwa and Cde Irene Mutumbgha.

Members who participated during the regional meeting include South Africa, Angola and Namibia.

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