Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

by Jasper Mhaka

As the anticipated visit of the distinguished hero ,veteran, General ,commander Kembo Campbell Dugish Mohadi to Mwenezi is looking inevitably shiny on the horizon…Zanu pf Mwenezi Youth need to be heard loud and clear..
The plight and woes of famine in Chingwizi, Nyuni and surrounding evacuatee settlements need to be heard , loud and clear
Cdes ,it is no folktale or conspiracy theory that these gallant sons and daughters of the soil who have remained devoted to the pro-people ideology of Zanu pf must heard ,appreciated and mentioned in big name discussions.

The unwavering loyalty of Mwenezi to the Revolutionary party deserve recognition and merit. President Mnangagwa has set the meritocracy tone on motion rewarding excelling perm secretaries, Ministers and Security Generals, an act of divine wisdom widely agreed to increase efficiency and pipe for constructive competition As the westerner tongue says ,””What is is good for the goose is good for the gander “
So is the fate of the people of Mwenezi.For 9 yrs our hard-core party supporters have survived in 1 hector corridors and survived on isolated water sources mostly 5-8 Kilometers away from the heifer communities that continue to diligently and patriotically commit their prolonged support for Zanu pf .

Indeed by any standard of Bantu wisdom, now is the time for Mwenezi to be rewarded for their perennial devotion to the calls, voice and themes of the Revolutionary party.

The scurried comrades have continued to lag behind in terms of Identity document acquisitions. Surveys have revealed that ,easily over 70% of Mwenezi east constituency could have been afforded birth certificates, thanks to past futile and lazy Registry outreach campaigns that have been confined to major highways, built up rural settlements while a bulk of eligible citizen, live on ,undocumented and unable to participate in civic functions and processes that require identification documentation.

It is my deepest humble plea to all distinguished commanders,leaders and elders to deeply give moments of thought for the party’s ” Musvo ” who instead of being honored biblical Harman style are being ridiculed and disenfranchised from the size and share of say that they results speak in Elections.

The greater part of us, the Youth await for the catalog of beneficiation programmers that Murambwi had ordained, as well as at least a cabinet appoint for our huge margin slamming Mps .Indeed this footing it is of no doubt that Mwenezi invested and will invest for Zanu pf’s liberation and empowerment ideology that have perpetually defined the traits and virtues of out Dear and peace breeding Revolutionary Conglomeration!

Dear Youth…” Forward with the people’s struggle and the continued war against corruption, reactionary forces and saboteurs

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