Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

‘Bastion of young entrepreneurs key drivers of vision 2030’ – Chirau

2 min read

Patriots Reporter

The University of Zimbabwe yesterday was the host of a symposium held by a pro-development and empowerment group called VISION 2030 MOVEMENT led by Mr Tapiwa Paul Mavima.

The symposium which was running under the theme: ‘2022 Capacitation and Formalization of Small to Medium Scale Enterprises/Informal Sector Through Domestic Investment For Vision 2030’ was a resounding success with many people describing it as an eye opener.

The symposium had Cde Chirau, ZANU PF Acting Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs as one of the key speakers.

Other speakers included Higher and Tertiary Education Deputy Minister Hon R Machingura, Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Dr Sithembiso Nyoni, University of Zimbabwe Vice Chancellor Prof Mapfumo, Cloud Africa Director and young entrepreneur Brian Mudumi and many more prominent captains of industry.

The focus of the symposium was to unlock mechanisms that support the Informal Sectors and the Small-to-Medium Scale Enterprises and enhance their contribution towards Vision 2030.

Cde Chirau said during the symposium that the informal Sector was key in achievement of an upper middle income economy by 2030 and as such there was need for policies that recognize and embrace this sector. He urged lawmakers, industry players and finance houses to support the Informal Sector and Small-to-Medium Scale Enterprises by tailor making policies that suits their needs.

Cde Chirau urged students to shun disruptive behavior and be equipped with developmental mindset and use the acquired tertiary skills to develop themselves and the country.

Cde Chirau chronicled how the new dispensation is ensuring that Universities play a key economic role through establishment of Innovation Hubs. He gave an example of Midlands State University and UZ’s good works of producing sanitizers and masks which are key components in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic.

“People should desist from relishing false propaganda spoiling good works by His Excellency President ED Mnangagwa” said Chirau

“No political party card is required when applying for loans. Apply for loans, fund your projects and make money” added Cde Chirau

“Hurumende haidiridziri garden remunhu, inokupa zvikwanisiro. Youths should not sit on their hands and wait for Government to spoon-feed them”

Cde Chirau thanked the organisers of the symposium and paid tribute to University of Zimbabwe for being host to such progressive initiatives.

“It was an honor to be invited at the University of Zimbabwe, an institution that shaped my analytical skills by a pro development and empowerment group Vision 2030, led by a young and vibrant Cadre, Paul Tapiwa Mavima aka Big Situation. The thrust of the symposium is to create a bastion of entrepreneurs who are key drivers of vision 2030.” said Cde Chirau


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