Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

Diaspora-based philanthropist takes Makoni North on an empowerment blitz

2 min read

Sallomy Matare

Almost 1 000 families in Makoni North are being empowered by Philanthropist and member of the ruling party ZANU PF Barbara Nyagomo-Nyakabva based in the diaspora through a plethora of empowerment projects.

A number of projects have been rolled out to help the less privilege to access basic needs like education and help parents to start projects to sustain their families.

So far, under the empowerment projects, Ms Nyagomo-Nyakabva is paying school fees for fifty children and Empowered their parents.

Their parents where given Paprika Seeds to grow and the needed chemicals.

A number of people where given pigs according to groups that where formed.

“… In groups takavapa nguruve kana dzabereka vana dzarumurwa totenga kubva kwavari topawo mamwe maGroups,” said Ms Nyagomo Nyakabva.

Makoni North residents, regardless of political affiliation, have also benefitted from a rabbit rearing training where 120 of the participants where given a male and female rabbits for start-up.

“Vakatanga kupihwa munaMay 2021 dzakatotanga kubereka. Wakutopawo wamwe wasina”

Other families where also received boer Goats (1 family), garden seeds (60), funeral support, paprika seeds (549).

A plethora of other programs are running in Makoni North that a complementing President ED Mnangagwa’s vision 2030 of creating a middle income economy by the year 2030.

Ms Nyagomo Nayakabva is playing her part, even though she is based in the diaspora, she has not forgotten her home and is working tirelessly to make her country better.

She is fixing 28 disfunctional boreholes around the area and developing and upgrading schools, community halls.

This has given more substance to President ED’s motto, ‘nyika inovakwa nevene vayo’.

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