Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


4 min read

By Margaret Kamba

The Commission of the General Council of the United Russia Party says the illegal sanctions imposed on their country are useless.

Speaking during a briefing on international cooperation and support of compatriots and the situation in Ukraine, Deputy Chairman of the Party and Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on International ffairs, Cde Andrey Klimov said misinformation has resulted in the world being misled.

‘Many people around the globe believe the misinformation being spread which is to serve and create something that does not exist. Over 100 million dollars has been spent on the misinformation to make the world forget the actual facts,’ Klimov said.

‘In 2004 the military block NATO came close to the Russian border and this was a point of no return. We warned that such political action would have consequences and they only laughed.’

Klimov added that since the falling out there has been continued imposition of sanctions by the United States of America through the Barrack Obama administration with illegal sanctions aimed at crushing Russia. He said all this action has eventually led to the demilitarization of Ukraine on 24 February this year

‘Sanctions against Russia are useless and we have not responded to them. But we appeal to those who put them in place to think about themselves. Betrayers of Russia will face our courts because we do not trust The Hague.’

Konstantin Kosachev, the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia Party noted that it is important to discuss the core of the situation and missed opportunities of the last ten years.

‘It is important to discuss the core opportunities which we have missed in the last ten years. We must discuss the necessity of the military block because NATO pretends to be the only leader which determines what is good or bad,’ Kosachev said.

‘In the 2000s, the United States of America refused the agreements on air defense. In 2010, we lost the opportunity for a colour revolution and the limits which separate on aggressive interference on internal relations. We want the world to meet in collective needs.’

He added that it is foolish to think that the cold war ended adding that it ‘could have ended if there was collective willingness but there were others who thought they were winners.’

‘Big brother’ America who has always wiggled his way in and out of internal affairs of every single country has so much tied to his head. At least 6000 casualities have died in Ukraine since the February 2014 coup destroying ‘common history with Russia.’ In the NATO-Yugoslavia war, at least 13 000 people died directly from bombings when the military block violated the sovereignty of that country.

The Libya story is also known by many too well as well as that of Syria, Afghanistan, Bulgaria among others. Stories about perceived weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare laboratories, violations of human rights among others. These stories have resulted in untold suffering of citizens of the various countries including Zimbabwe as the United States of America and its allies enjoy the spectacle and preach democracy and the rule of law not even known in their own backyards.

The exclamations ‘I can’t breathe’ by the black American George Floyd as he breathed his last are still vivid in our minds when we remember the cruelty on its own citizens.

Zimbabwe’s very own stories have seen the sponsorship of the opposition political parties and non-governmental organisations peddling lies, faking abductions, sponsoring a massive social media campaign aimed at not only discrediting the ruling government but turning the people against its own government.

Chester Crooker’s words and declaration to have the Zimbabwean economy scream still lie fresh in our heads as he called for his colleagues to have guts to stomach the impact the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe take effect.

One wonders for what gain this self-imposed super power does this antics as the trail of destruction is literally dotted all over the world. It seems the second nature of this super power to burn all bridges and much to the support of the European Union Security Council which selectively chooses to keep silent.

The battle for other countries’ natural resources and the appetite for such continues. The Transatlantic slave trade, the partitioning of Africa, the colonialisation and now neo-colonialisation is nerve wrecking. Who stands to benefit with all this fighting if not the same powers behind it. What happens to the military equipment left behind by these military blocks? Could the Ukrainian crisis be a reflection of the cost of choosing leadership without political orientation which knows not when to negotiate a better deal before going to war in order to keep your country intact. What are the dynamics of states craftsmanship and how does one acquire them? What are the principles of democracy if there are any?

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