Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas

The story behind Zimbabwe’s education

2 min read

By Margaret Kamba ZANU PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa says the story behind Zimbabwe’s education speaks volumes about the country’s dedication to the welfare of the teacher. His remarks follow the recent cushion announced by the Finance Minister at the order of the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde E.D Mnangagwa. The teaching profession happens to be the latest victim of the ploy by the opposition to wood-wink the teachers into believing their Government has no regard for them. In the past, the nurses and doctors fell victim of the plots by one Dr Peter Magombeyi who once they got what they wanted fled the country. To set the record straight on the desperate attempts by the opposition to find footing, Cde Mutsvangwa narrated how the dedication and commitment to the teaching profession began just after independence. “It is a matter of history that education is top three of Zimbabwe’s budget since independence. We are the third last born on the continent of Africa but there is a scramble for Zimbabwean students all over the world. This speaks volumes about our dedication to the welfare of the teacher who has brought about the good results,” Cde Mutsvangwa said. “In 1980 encouraged by the war, parents were going to build the schools but we were short of teachers so we went back to Havana and asked them to convert the military camps into teacher training schools and this is how we achieved the education status. It speaks of education as the most dynamic force of change in society.” Cde Mutsvangwa exposed the ploy by the opposition by saying there “are those that want to be champions for teachers now and are pretending to be the saviours of the teaching profession by hijacking and using the gap for other nefarious agenda. The MDC is using the grievance of the teachers because it is running short of ideas,” Cde Mutsvangwa said. “They have no record at all except being recipients of brown envelopes from those who thought we had no capacity to provide universal education. President E.D Mnangagwa is seized with the welfare of the people of Zimbabwe and providing good quality education.”

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