Zanu Pf Patriots news

A Haven for Cross pollination of ideas


2 min read

Analysis By Taonga Botolo

At exactly 10:10, President Emmerson Mnangagwa alighted from his car and stepped into the venue for the 19th National People’s Conference at Bindura University Campus in Mashonaland Central Province.

The President was greeted by rapturous applause from the delegates as he went to take his seat.

Every step he took into the jam-packed room told a story of a man who is focused and on a mission to take the country forward despite facing devastating sanctions for 20 years running now.

In his key note address to mark official opening of the indaba, President Mnangagwa told the delegates Zimbabwe was on an unirrevesarble path.

The President says the steps his government has taken are “an unapologetic steps aimed at improving the lives of all Zimbabweans.”

Cde Mnangagwa further appealed to the party members “to remain united, resilient, focused and hard working.”

On land reform programme, the President said his government will not go back on its promise to give land back to its rightful owners.

He therefore called on all Zimbabweans to make good use of the land to improve quality of life and achieve food security at household level.

President Mnangagwa also took time to thank fellow Sadc members for the unwavering support they continue to show in calling for removal of the illegal and counter-productive sanctions.

The 19th national people’s conference, according to President Mnangagwa, is expected to take stock of both the party and government performances in past years in line with the 2018 party manifesto.

Strengthening the idea that party policies play a pivotal role towards national development, ED, as President Mnangagwa is also known, told the delegates that it is Zanu PF policies that enabled the country realise bumper yield for the first time since independence.

On the state of economy, President Mnangagwa said guided by the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS-1) and in line with the 2018 manifesto as well as previous conference and congress resolutions, Zimbabwe’s economy is bound to grow by over 7 per cent.

The robust economic growth will help government consolidate fiscal stability.

On the ongoing road projects in all the 10 provinces in both urban and rural areas, ED said the emergency roads rehabilitation programme his government has undertaken is a game changer.

He cited as examples of game changing projects currently under way such as expansion of Robert Mugabe International Airport, rehabilitation of Beitbridge border post, resurfacing and rehabilitation of Beitbridge-Masvingo-Harare Highway, City roads in Harare, Bulawayo and all major cities.

Other projects include construction of new dams, rehabilitation of power stations, building of new schools, housing units, hospitals and rural factories.

All the achievements President Mnangagwa’s government has registered are in line with his vision of making Zimbabwe a middle-income economy by 2030.

The indaba is being held under the theme: “Growing and modernising the economy towards vision 2030” and will run up to Sunday October 31.

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